Prove you are the smartest schmuck in the room with 500 true trivia facts that sound absurd. These facts are so far-fetched some might even say that they sound like bull$#*t! Give the gift that keeps giving to friends, family, fathers, or grads.
Knowledge is power! Crush the competition at trivia night, or start the most interesting conversation ever with real facts that are hard to believe. This book is loaded with mind-blowing facts that are sure to keep you wondering, "How are these even true?" while equipping you to outsmart everyone around and blow their minds. Topics include:
Put your game face on, and prove once and for all that you are the real know-it-all! Gather your friends and family 'round and get ready to learn some wild and crazy trivia and facts such as:
Stump everyone with True Facts That Sound Like Bull$#*t!